Friday, March 12, 2010

Family Pictures

We had our family portraits taken the beginning of February, and it has taken me this long to get around to posting them. (Don't worry, I bought a CD, so I have the right's needed to put them on my blog! I'm legal!). I just wanted something simple to document our family right now since we are facing alot of changes this year, not to mention, the kids. They change on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, and it's so hard to keep up with them. I would hate to look back at these years and not be able to remember them the way they are. SOOO... For family members: be expecting a copy in the mail....but's taken me this long to get them on my blog, so don't be watching the mail too closely. I HOPE I can get them out soon, but we'll see. They aren't the GREATEST, but they sure are cute, and that's what we were going for. I was really anxious to document T-Man and his "Bear" and "Ball Blanky" because anyone who knows T-Man, knows he's not T-Man without his left arm around his bear and his right arm supporting the two fingers that are inevitabley always in his mouth. That bear and blanket have been attached to his side for who knows how long, and his fingers have been in his mouth just as long, if not longer. Bear has been lost so many times that I was afraid he would really REALLY get lost before we could get pictures with him. Bug wanted to take pictures with her favorite dog "Martha" and her "Pink Blanky" as well. She's had her favorite pink blanky since she was born as well, and boy do they love their blankets! The picture turned out perfectly! This is one cute family, if I do say so myself! I'm bias, I know...


Anonymous said...

so cute!! thanks for posting them so us non family members get to see!

Tyson and Angela said...

Your family is pretty stinkin' cute! Can't wait to see what the little one will look like as I am sure he will be just as cute as the rest of you! ;)

Elise said...

That's a good lookin family! You look great, very photogenic.

Broin's said...

You 2 do make some pretty darn cute kids!

Swilor Family said...

You have such a beautiful family! I love these. :)